Sep 5, 2012

Soul mates might not recognize each other sometimes

Revolt  from 2013 Mustang Ad :)

Revolt against conventional thinking about life, love, work, and manner of behaviour.

Revolt against boredom. Revolt that surprises your inner self, when you look at this Narcissistic and at the very same time pleasing to your senses flirting performed by HIM.

No matter who you are right now, no matter what you do, there is always room for transformation. At first, this transformation might scare you; you might be very uncomfortable with it. At first it might feel foreign and out of your routine world. 

But if you give it a chance, you might fall in love with it. This transformation is like a furtive look into each other's eyes, between two people who feel that they are bound to think about each other from now and on (even though during their first meeting one of them wished that she would never meet the other again). It is and it is not love from the first sight. It is love from the first touch of free spirits. In this instance, it is Brand Love.